Tuesday 26 April 2011

Main task, Reshoots - 1st April 2011

At first myself and my group believed that re-filming was not needed, we showed out media piece to an audience and one of the comments made was to add a voiceover to our piece so the audience becomes more aware of the narative of the piece. After much deliberation, we decided to go ahead with the voiceover and therefore we wrote a new narrative to our sequence. For the voiceover we used a voicerecorder from our school's media department, and we recorded myself as the protagonist of the voiceover with Hayley, Becca and our friend Becky to come in on the 'and another' part of the voiceover.


Leodina: "This is Leo McGee, he is 17, and average student, he has an average social life, every now and again he drinks to much, he had a girlfriend."

Hayley: "And another"

Becky: "And another"

Becca: "And another"

Leodina: "But theres something wrong with him, he's just not quite right, we control his dreams, we show him whats in the future."


Leodina: "He thought he was safe, he thought it was fun, he doesn't know that we know, but not, we are going to get our revenge. He. Will. Pay."

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