Tuesday 26 April 2011

Preliminary task, second day of filiming - Tuesday 25th January

Today is the day my myself and my group continue filiming but today we get to use our full cast, Miss Emerson who is playing the teacher and who is also allowing us to film in her class room, we are also using four extras to play students as well as Zak who we used for filiming the day before. After re-watching the clips we took and after some disucssion with my partner Aaron we have both decided that re-shoots are a must because of sound difficulties of Zak's dialogue and also of re-filming Miss Emerson's dialogue because the majority of the time she would look towards me because I was directing whilst recording. We also need the extras to discuss more among each other insted of staying quiet in the class room to create realism, we also need the extras to sit more closely together to create a humble atmosphere. All of which should be filmed on either Thursday or Friday or when we get an email reply from Miss Emerson to let us know when she nexts have a free period to fill or we have to film after school.

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