Tuesday 26 April 2011

Main task, research: RAILING Adulthood

RAILING Adulthood


The film is shown six years in the future from the previous Kidulthood film, the opening credits represents that the male characters are still involved with crime by showing the breaking into a car whilst an older male is still in his car and they also shoot this dominant character. It also represents the stereotypical portrayal of the youth culture with gives the impression that within the first two minuets that the youth culture is all about clubbing, sex and crime which relates back to David Morely’s oppositional readings of the youth culture being involved in crime.
The audience of the film is Alan Betrock’s theory of the 19 year old male, due to the representation of the stereotypical portrayal of the youth audience emphasised by the theory of the 19 year old male. The film emphasises the idea of the hypodermic syringe theory because of how the audience reacts to the perceived stereotypes of the youth audience as criminals suggesting the audience may fear this type of criminal violence which is portrayed in the opening credits.
UK Film Council, funded by the National Lottery, Pathe and Limelight. By being created by the UK Film Council affects the text by suggesting that the film is responding to the perceived stereotypical views of the youth culture.
Fast pace cutaway shots are used to show the individual characters in the previous film as a type of flash back montage for the audience to remember what has previously happened. During this flash back no sound is heard whatsoever, until the flashback goes into the fight scene where only diegetic sound of punching is used to show the damage and the impact of what has happened in this fight. Superimpose editing is used to show the location of a club six years in the future, the audience are aware of this by the heading saying ‘Six Years Later’, diegetic sound of the club is also you to enforce the location of the club.
Ideology and Values
Stereotypical views of the youth audience are used to dominate previous views of the youth audience by the way the characters are portrayed by what they are wearing and speaking to one another. Dominant ideology is used to create the fear of the youth culture to the audience by responding to fears in society and portraying this fear into film. The idea of moral panic is created by the media and portrayed by the film suggesting that the adults are becoming more afraid of the youth culture because of the increasing in knife crime in London where Adulthood is set.
Shows what has previously happened with a fast pace flashback, speeds towards six years into the future to were all the characters are now and whether or not their behaviour has changed over time. Todorov and the disequilibrium theory is used in the opening scene because it uses a flashback before the film goes into a equilibrium of six years into the future where the film begins
Teen gritty, social realism emphasizes audience previous fear of the youth culture. Leo Baudry says that genres reflect the fears of society, in the case of Adulthood this has been emphasised by the fears of the youth culture being about crime which is reflected in the opening scene by the character shooting guns whilst stealing a car creating this idea of a moral panic surrounding gang and youth culture.

Adulthood Poster
  • Cast are in line.
  • Uses same name as “kidulthood” but is shows that the characters have grown up.
  • Kidulthood grossed £100,056 (UK) (5 March 2006), whereas adulthood made £3,247,651 (UK) (13 July 2008), showing it was a cult film and got more attention.
  • Baseball bat is on the floor in this poster, suggesting they have left the violence behind and are more mature.
  • Dark clothing
  • Light in the background, more light is used suggesting they have turned away from crime 
  • City location, same housing estate but in a brighter location, contrasts the feeling of working class background 
  • Title is bold and bright, standing out to attract the audience from the previous film 
  • Hasn’t got  any star ratings, unlike kidulthood could suggest poor quality or that the exhibition company wanted the audience to rate themselves by watching the film, or that the film is also of same qualitiy as the first

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