Tuesday 26 April 2011

Main task, research: RAILING


The protagonists in this film are four female characters, the opening sequence shows a flash forward showing the white British female character is vulnerable because she is about to jump off a bridge. The black female character and the American female character are shown as dominant which challenges the stereotypical views of females, the female characters are in control over the white British character because they are pointing a gun and telling her what she should do. This challenge the dominant ideology in previous films that the white characters are always perceived as the ones who are in control, whereas the black characters are often shown as their sidekick. The opening credits then go into the present time by showing all four female characters doing four different activities in their free time The upper class female character is shown having a piano lesson, this reinforces David Morely’s preferred readings suggesting that upper class female teenagers have piano lessons and have their own personal driver, which reinforces the stereotypical view of upper class characters. Another female character challenges dominant perceived stereotypical views of females by showing the character smoking. The other girls in the film are also shown doing various activities that teenage girls tend to do in their free time such as driving lessons and swimming.
I personally think that the films targeted audience are 15-24 year olds due to the mature themes such as drugs and sexual themes portrayed in the film, also homosexuality is also shown in the film by one of the female characters wearing knickers saying ‘eat me’. The film could also be targeted at a female audience because the dominant characters in the film are four female characters, a dominant male character is not shown in the opening sequence so the male audience may not be able to relate and therefore find the film not interesting. The film shows aspects of a British culture, however the film uses an American actress, Emma Roberts, to attract a potential teenage American audience because they will be able to easily relate to the her character. Emma Roberts has previously been involved in films such as ‘Wild Child’ which was previously filmed in the UK suggesting that will be big productions in both Britain and America.
The film shows some aspects of feminism as the main ideology in the film, this is due too all the dominant characters in the film are four female characters which can suggest that their characters are strong enough to be in charge through out the film. The film shows no dominant male characters which helps to emphasise the importance of the female characters in the film which again helps to relate to the targeted audience.  One of the films distributers is ‘Unstoppable Entertainment’ whose company was behind the films ‘Kidulthood’ and ‘Adulthood,’ both of these films were perceived as controversial because of the criminal side of the films.
The media language used in the film is very modern by how the characters talk to one another which also relates to the age of the films targeted audience and also crates an easy relation between the characters and the audience Camera shows shown in the opening sequence are a consistent use of close up of the character’s faces which is used to convey what the characters are saying and their emotion of the way they talk to one another is very important in the film, this is because it makes the opening sequence feel more intense which helps to draw the audience into the film. The location of the opening sequence of the film takes place in several different locations where the targeted audience would likely to go to, such as a café and swimming pool.  
The films main distributer is ‘Universal Studios’, as well as various minor companies such as ‘Unstoppable Entertainment’ and ‘Retro Juice’. ‘Universal Studios’ is part of an American Conglomerate, this helps to advertise the film to an American audience, which suggests that the film has become a multi-cultural film. The minor companies which are shown in the opening sequence are mostly British companies which help to advertise to a British audience; with all of these companies it will later benefit the film because it will lead to a greater income for both countries.                                                                      
This film however does not follow Todorov’s theory because he believes that films have to follow the same timeline; equilibrium, disequilibrium and a new equilibrium when the film ends. Yet, this film begins with a flash-forward which therefore starts at disequilibrium, and then goes into the first equilibrium, Therefore showing that the film completely goes against Todorov’s theory.
The films genre is a British, teen gritty film, suggesting that the film will contain values that are not always shown in mainstream Hollywood productions, because Hollywood tends to perceive the British culture as romanticised upper class. The film will ten to focus on the types of British culture which is not always shown in mainstream Hollywood because of distributers such as ‘Unstoppable Entertainment’ which tends to make films such as; ‘Kidulthood’ and ‘Adulthood’ which will attract the same type of audience.

4,3,2,1 - Poster
  •  Dark colours, light is also used in the middle of the poster to show the cast and the name of the film
  • Cast in line, costume show personality of characters the costume are also dark colours which suggests a dark attitude for the film
  • Title is staggered, draws people in, the title is surrounded by the cast 
  • Use an American actress to appeal to a American audience
  • City location, London eye and the statue of liberty in background, to define two cities, drawing the American audience by relation of the American actress and of an American city, it also defines what 4 3 2 1 stands for which it makes the audience want to watch it which makes the audience relate more if they understand the hidden message of the poster, 1 chance shows something big is going to happen.

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