Tuesday 26 April 2011

Preliminary task - The week ending the 21st of January

This week during media studies i have achieved a full written script for my preliminary task, the preliminary task given at the start of the week with our instructions on how to complete the task set, i have then used my full written script to create my story board so i will be ready to start filiming with my group at the start of next week. What i found difficult during this task was that my first idea was far too complex for a preliminary idea so after negotiate and new planning myself and my group have come up with a brand new idea. I have asked a friend of my to take part as the male lead in the filiming to which he has agreed to and i am still waiting confrimation from one of the teachers at school to also take part in the filiming, i am hoping by then end of the day i will have the full cast for filiming so myself and my group can start filiming straight away, especially due to our complicated jump shots needed in our filiming.

Preliminary Sequence Scrpit - Skydiving in Japan

A close up image of the bell is shown, a slow paced zoom out using a long shot of the class walking in using mid shot images of the pupils sitting down. A close up image of one of the students is used to show a point of view shot of a low angle shot of the teacher who then looks towards the clock using a close up image.

A jump shot is used to show one of the students running up the final set of stairs, a low angle shot is used to show when the character trips on the final step, a close up image of his face is used to show that he is worried because he knows that he is late. A long shot is used to show the male character running across the hallway, a 180 degree shot is used to show the character running. A mid shot of the male character bursting open the door and a mid shot of the male character when he enters the class room.

A mid shot of the male character whilst he walks across the room a pan shot is used to show the class looking up at the character. A mid shot of the teacher with disgust of her body language and a close up of her facial expressions showing her anger and distaste of the male character. A mid shot of the male character sitting down, putting his elbows of the table listening to music through his headphones, a close up image of the teacher is shown when she starts to talk.

Miss Emerson: ‘Why are you late? Do you even care about your future?

A mid shot of the male character is shown to show him listening to his music raving along, paying no attention. A long shot of the teacher is shown to show her walking across the classroom a close up image of her hand is shown when she rips out the male characters headphones. Shot/reserve shot is being used whilst characters are speaking to one another.

Zak (speaking mentally): ‘I was skydiving in Japan

Zak (speaking out loud): ‘I missed the bus’

Miss Emerson: ‘Your pathetic, that’s the lousiest excuse I have ever heard’

Zak (speaking mentally): ‘You’re the lousiest excuse for a human being’

Zak (speaking out loud): ‘It’s the nicest thing I can say to you’

Close up image of the clock to show time has passed, close up of the bell, the bell rings, long shot of the class room whilst students get up from their seats and a pan shot is used to show all students walking out of the door. Close up of the door whilst the scene fades out in a slow pace.

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