Tuesday 26 April 2011

Preliminary task, re-shoots, Friday 28th January

Filming for the preliminary task was alot harder then I first imagined, and when it came to re-film our sequence alot of factors had changed. Such as we lost three of our extras, natural light changed because the weather today was alot more cloudy so we had to relay alot on the lighting in the classroom, lastly one of our main characters had a haircut meaning the whole classroom scene had to be re-filmed to keep our equilibrium and mise en scene. When re-filming the class room scene the types of camera angles and shots we used were close ups, mid-shots, pan shot, 180 degree rule, a long shot and three extreme close ups. Myself and my group have finally finished filming exactly on the time given deadline so we can use the whole of next week to focus on editing using adobe editing  to make our sequence fit together. 

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