Tuesday 26 April 2011

Main task, research RAILING: Kidulthood

RAILING Kidulthood

The film Kidulthood David Morely’s negotiated readings of the youth culture and how they survive in modern society in stereotypical views which are perceived as an urban lifestyle. These stereotypical views creates the idea of a moral panic of the fear highlighted in the media surrounding the stereotypical views of gang and youth culture in Britain, due to the increasing rise of knife crime in London where the film is set. In the opening sequence, diegetic sound is used to create the location of a school by the use of children laughing and playing which gives the impression of a typical school life in Britain. Various camera shots are used in the opening sequence to introduce the audience to the main characters of the film; these characters are introduced also by their own friendship groups which represents the ideas and fears of conflicts, social class and social identity which is poignant in modern society.  One of the male characters in the film brings up the conversation of a parent free house party, the stereotypical perceived view is usually disruptive and obstructive, the specific targeted audience may easily relate to the text.
The films targeted audience reinforces Alan Betrock’s theory of the ’19 year old audience’ due to the stereotypical representation of how the narrative of the film is portrayed to the audience. This is because of the David Morely’s negotiated readings of the stereotypical view of the youth culture being involved in drugs, sex and gangs. The film follows the concept of the uses and gratification theory or Blumler and Katz because it educated the audience on the perceived view of the youth culture.
The film is created by several of small British companies; Hanway Films, Stealth Films and Cipher Films which gives the impression of low budget because it does not have the help and expertise of film making from Hollywood.
Non-diegetic sound of urban grime music is shown in the opening sequence to represent the views portrayed of the youth culture. Diegetic sound of the teenage cast are used to create the location of a school yard atmosphere before the audience sees the school. Bold titles are used in the opening sequence is used to let the audience aware of the representation of the scene. Slow paced close up of the male cast playing football gives the impression of stereotypical views if teenage boys in school. A cutaway shot is used to show a group of teenage girls which then moves into a pan shot of another two female characters talking; the cutaway shot is used to go back and forth between the groups of girls. The main male protagonist of the film is introduced to the audience using a mid shot whilst the non-diegetic sound changes to create tension suggesting that he is the dominant figure in the film. The male character is wearing a hoodie to give the impression that he wants to hide in cover suggesting that he is keeping something to himself which may be dangerous to the rest of the cats. One of the female characters is the first to speak in the film via a mobile phone which challenges the stereotypical views of women because it is showing her dominance in the film because she is the first to speak, also the use of a mobile phone gives the impression that the youth culture has resorted to mobile phones as their only source of communication to one another. The opening scene shows all the cast of a variety of race which stereotypically separates these characters into their social groups. The language used among characters is used to suggest their social status due to the use of slang, elision and swear words. A mid shot of sexual behaviour between characters suggests that the youth culture grows up to fast and that they believe they can do anything they want. Mise en scene in the film is used to give the impression to the audience that one of characters may have wrapped up an object such as; a weapon in a dustbin, which leaves the audience wondering what, will happen next.
The ideology of the opening sequence represents the stereotypical portrayal of the youth culture, the constant use of swearing and disruptive behaviours reinforces the ideology of a moral panic that the older generation has on the youth audience, due to fear and increasing rates of knife crime among the youth culture, this idea of a moral panic can be seen as a negative imprint about the youth culture because many teenagers in society are not always involved in this fear of gang culture.
Propp’s ideas of character roles are very diverse in the opening sequence, the main protagonist is introduced wearing a hoodie emphasising the stereotypical view that he is dangerous and frightening. A female character is shown on her mobile phone which gives the impression she is dominating and demanding because she is the first character to speak, another character shown to be of a middle class background he is shown as distant to the other characters because of his social background which is emphasised by his character role. Another female character is shown which can relate to the audience as bullying because her role is shown that she is abused by the more popular characters; the female character is shown receiving abusive behaviour from the protagonist which emphasises the fear of bullying which the audience can relate to.  
Leo Baudry says that genres reflect the fears of society, the genre of the film is social realism relating to the moral panic of the youth culture which is represented in the media, and the fear that the older and younger generation may have on the youth culture due to gang related crime which is glamorised in the media and later portrayed in film.

Kidulthood - Poster

  • Dark colours can represent the mood and the feeling of the film
  • Writing is bold and bright – stands out, attracts the audience away from the dark colours surrounding the title 
  • Cast – shows position in film and relationships and their backgrounds, props are also used  define the characters.
  • City location, housing estate, working class background 
  • Five stars at the top in the brightest part of the picture, making it stand out.
  • Quote is a bold statement, relates to teenagers

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