Tuesday 26 April 2011

Preliminary task, editing, Tuesday 1st February

Todat we are starting editing to turn all of our camera shots and angles into our sequence, we were using adobe and whilst putting all of our shots together myself and my group realised that some of the shots were far to long, for example the extreme close up of the school bell, we decided to edit the shot by removing ten seconds of the begining of the shot until we reached the part of when the bell went off. We also did the same for the extreme close up of the clock because we decided that the effect of the clip would be more significant if we only used a couple of seconds of the clock ticking so we ended up by removing fifteen seconds of the shot. During editing, we used a voice recorder which we used to record one of the actors from our sequence, the recording was clear and poignant that the voice recording actually sounded like how I actually imagined how the little voice in the back of my head would sound like. I believe the editing was really successful and our sequence I believe is of a high standard and I am really proud of it, the sequence is now two minuets long, this is because my group added a '3 Productions' logo and also the title of the sequence 'Skydiving in Japan' to the begining of our preliminary task sequence which has made the sequence two minuets long instead of one minuet fifty-eight seconds.

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