Tuesday 26 April 2011

Prelimary task, evauluation, Wednesday 16th February

The preliminary task sequence was very successful in the use of various camera shots and angles, the use of a complete narrative from start to end and lastly the use of a digital voice reordered which was used to record two lines of dialogue for one of the characters for the audience to hear the characters thoughts. The voice recording was very clear and poignant for the rights reasons for it to be used.

One thing I personally would have done differently in the group I was is to not take charge as much as I did, I may have come across bossy in parts which I do regret and I feel that if myself and my group worked together equally in all parts the sequence may have been better during filming. However, I did feel that I needed to take charge during filming or else my group may have gone slower and took their time meaning we would have missed deadlines, and by taking charge my group missed no deadlines and the end product I believe was well received and successful.

The main thing I have learned during this experience is that finding extras and filming reshoots were a lot harder then I first imagined, during reshoots we had to change extras completely which was really time consuming because we had to re-film the whole classroom scene from start to finish. The main character forgot his lines from time to time, and the majority of the time the teacher we were filming would corpse mid-recording by smiling at me when she said her line. The one thing that went fantastically was the jump shot on the stairs and also the high angle shot of the main character running up the stairs which showed that my group could film various camera shots appropriate for the sequence.

From what I have learned during the preliminary task is that a successful sequence can only be made by having a group who are committed in producing high quality sequences and who can also be able to get along with each other is also a great help.

When I begin the main task with a new group, I will put in a hundred and ten percent and hope the members in my group will do the same, and lastly I do not regret what I did in the preliminary task because in the end my group produced a sequence that we were all proud of.

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