Tuesday 26 April 2011

Main Task - Evaluation

Main task, finished sequence

Main task, Reshoots - 1st April 2011

At first myself and my group believed that re-filming was not needed, we showed out media piece to an audience and one of the comments made was to add a voiceover to our piece so the audience becomes more aware of the narative of the piece. After much deliberation, we decided to go ahead with the voiceover and therefore we wrote a new narrative to our sequence. For the voiceover we used a voicerecorder from our school's media department, and we recorded myself as the protagonist of the voiceover with Hayley, Becca and our friend Becky to come in on the 'and another' part of the voiceover.


Leodina: "This is Leo McGee, he is 17, and average student, he has an average social life, every now and again he drinks to much, he had a girlfriend."

Hayley: "And another"

Becky: "And another"

Becca: "And another"

Leodina: "But theres something wrong with him, he's just not quite right, we control his dreams, we show him whats in the future."


Leodina: "He thought he was safe, he thought it was fun, he doesn't know that we know, but not, we are going to get our revenge. He. Will. Pay."

Main task, editing - Monday 21st March

Chavers decided to leave our group, and to quite honest this will not effect the overall piece. Myself, Hayley and Becca began editing our piece together using Adobe, we chose the best clips from filiming and placed them into the editing suite, with the clips of the four girls we had to shotern the clip by using the technique called 'split clip' to turn the clip into what we wanted, we then adjusted the colour balance to emphais  the colour of emotions; such as green for envy, red for lust, white for purity and blue for power. We then decided to create shot clips to show the actors names and the names of the director and producer and the name of the sequence using photoshop, we placed this into the sequence at different stages to show the importance of each. We also created a production name 'T20 productions' which is based on the room of our media studies class. We did research on production company logos such as film4 because they used a simple yet bold logo to suggest high quality whilst being simple.  We also found a royalty free music download website to find a soundtrack for our sequence, we decided upon a soundtrack to create the feel of a tense atmosphere, the website I found was: http:/freeplaymusic.com

Main task, Filming part two - Tuesday 14th March

Today; myself, Hayley, Becca and Chavers started the second day of filming our main task with the protagonist of our sequence Zak Goatham. We previously asked permission from our school's librarian to film the first part of the main task sequence. We decided on the location of a library to emphasis the feeling of a tense atmosphere created by the feel of silence and anticipation. Myself, Hayley and Becca began by using a tripod to hold the video camera whilst filming a pan shot of the location, however we found out that the transitions were too slow and rigid, therefore we decided to hold the camera in our hands to create a smoother transition, all three of us had a go, this was a great idea because when we watched the clips back we realised who had more of a steady hand when it came to filming the pan shot and the transition of the clip looked more real from an audience perspective. We used various camera positions to film the rest of the library scene; such as Hayley filmed on the floor holding the camera whilst filming Zak picking up a book from the floor, whilst this happened I stood behind Hayley and dropped a library book on the floor to create diegetic sound which was poignant to the clip. When we began filming in the school's grounds we used the tripod to hold the camera whilst Zak was running down a pathway, we used various postitions to show the use of our camera skills, such as a long shot and a mid shot. Becca held the camera on the ground once again below a set of stairs so we could get a high angle shot of Zak jumping down a set of stairs. This was really effective because the clip will be used to express the feel of falling from a great height instead of a couple of steps if you filmed Zak from behind used a mid shot.

Afterwards; myself, Becca and Hayley used the school's photography dark room to create the location of a hostage situation. We had Zak sitting on a chair, and we used Hayley's AS level photography skills to set the lighting in the room, we used a snoop light which was set right infront of Zak's face and we used this to film the effect of waking up and adjusting to a bright light, we used an extreme close up to focus on Zak's eye which zoomed out into a mid shot to show the location on the scene. The location was very effective towards our sequence because the feeling of the colour black can create fear for the audience which is supported by the view of a dominant ideology and the idea of the preferred, opositonal and negotiated reading from David Morely. 

Main task, Filming part one - Thursday 10th March

Yesterday; myself, Hayley and Becca started the filming of our main task sequence. We were only able to start filming the ending because of timing issues and our protagonist in the sequence was not in school today. My group used our schools photography dark room to create an erie location of when the four girls appear surrounding the protagonist. When filming began we had one problem, our four girls were supposed to use a ligther when they appear in front of the protagonist, however when we began filming using the camera our cast were to faded in to the black backdrop behind them, the flame from the lighter was also very weak. So, to overcome this my group used a snoop light  to create a light shadow surrounding the girls and we changed the lighters to a match because the match would create a brighter flame, which therefore makes the erie location more psychotic.

Here is an example of one of our female cast memebers in the scene;